EMOII Lily - Snake Print

Product image 1EMOII Lily - Snake Print
Product image 2EMOII Lily - Snake Print
Product image 3EMOII Lily - Snake Print
Product image 4EMOII Lily - Snake Print

Regular price $156.00 Sale price $259.95


Podiatrists approved healthy footwear, comfort with support.  Offices, parties, any occasion. You can dress up and dress down. Feminine and sexy.

Smart design so that your feet will look slim but the toe-box is actually a wide fitting, can even work with the bunions. Very light and flexible pair, promise that you can run with it.

    • Built-in arch support, heel protection and comfortable cushioning systems

    • Wide toe-box make sure your toes have enough room to stay happy

    • Adjustable straps ensure your feet stay well with the shoes.

    • Premium soft leather and kidskin lining

    • Cushion wrapped back strap

  • Durable and non-slippery sole


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