TRAQ Qarma 2 Metta Ash

Product image 1TRAQ Qarma 2 Metta Ash
Product image 2TRAQ Qarma 2 Metta Ash

Regular price $144.00 Sale price $189.95


The Alegria TRAQ Qarma2 features a new walker outsole versus the rocker outsole of the original Qarma. This lace-up sneaker tracks every step you take with embedded Q-chip technology by sending accurate information to the TRAQ smartphone app via Bluetooth for near real-time step counts. The Qarma2 also features a slip-resistant outsole to help protect against slick surfaces, and a padded collar for your comfort at the ankle.

Features you'll love in every TRAQ Qarma2 lace-up sneaker for women include:

  • Q-Chip technology with built-in pedometer
  • Q-Sport Walker Outsole
  • Slip-resistant, dual-density polyurethane outsole supporting:
    • Increased arch support
    • Balanced weight distribution
    • Enhanced shock absorption
  • Better rebound and bounce with each step
  • Breathable mesh upper with a man-made lining
  • 1-inch heel height


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